
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Peanut Butter Fudge

I'm so excited to introduce you all to my older sister, Emily. She is (and always has been) a person I really look up to. Although she lives across the country, we are very close. When I started this blog, she and I spent hours on the phone talking about all of the ideas we could share. I'm not going to call her a "guest", because I hope she will feel welcome to come on over any time she wants, kick off her shoes, and stay a while.

Thanks Nat. When you told me about this blog, the ideas immediately started rolling around in my head and I knew I had to make you let me join in! I always appreciate a good reason to miss out on some sleep!

By way of quick introduction, I have four little kids (Lila just turned 6, Abby and Zack just turned 4, and Alex just turned 1.) We spent six years in Boston while my husband went to graduate school. We recently moved to Connecticut where he started his first job (and I continued my mommy job of cleaning, cooking, loving, and playing...) Hopefully I can share
some of our fun activities and ideas and a little bit of our crazy life with you!

With all the snow (and school cancellations) we've had here in New England we've had to get a little creative to keep ourselves entertained. This recipe is one of my favorites to do with the kids. Lila asked me if this snack was good for us. I laughed and said not really, but it sure is yummy!

Peanut Butter Fudge
(yield: about 24 one inch balls)
1/3 stick of butter, softened
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup Karo syrup
2 cups powdered sugar (approx)

Mix butter, peanut butter, and Karo syrup in a bowl. Add powdered sugar until it forms a soft dough.

(It's sticky. I let the kids try to mix it up themselves but I ended up having to do it for them.)
Knead the dough until all the sugar is mixed in and it isn't sticky anymore.
Trust me, you're going to want to make a batch for yourself, just in case you don't want to have to share theirs (for obvious reasons!)
Shape dough into balls (about 1 inch).
Or... snowmen... or snakes... or pancakes... use your imagination. The kids really treated it like it was play-doh. Even the baby got into it!

(I gave them cookie sheets to try to minimize the mess. The rolling pins came from Target's dollar section a few years ago.)
Place your creations on wax paper.

If desired (and you should desire) drizzle balls with chocolate.

Place 1/2 bag of milk chocolate chips in a glass dish or liquid measuring cup. (Alex and I are really fond of Ghirardelli chocolate chips, it's all I will use!)
Microwave chocolate chips for 1 minute. Stir, then microwave for 30 more seconds until completely melted. (Do not overcook or you will break the chocolate.)

Use a spoon and drizzle over peanut butter balls.

Refrigerate and enjoy!!
Note: I let each of the kids make their own batch and it was a little too much (mostly because I ended up eating it all after they were asleep!) Next time we do it I think I will let them each do half a batch.



  1. Wowzers Kazawzers! Obviously your kids are adorable and I love that you got them involved. Love ya!

  2. Ah! I have all the stuff needed to make this! Just might cook some up tonight. Thanks for sharing.

    (Visiting from the "It's Fun to craft" blog hop)

  3. How precious! This reminds me of the fun I had with my three kiddos when they were young. Our favorite thing to do together was making shaped sugar cookies at Christmas. This recipe sounds yummy and easy. Who doesn't like peanut butter and fudge? I can tell you this, we all love PB. =D Great post!

    Drop by visit my blog or visit my website to learn about my new children's book, The Tale of Ole Green Eyes!

  4. I featured this today! I'd love for you to come grab a featured button! Thanks for linking up.

  5. I just found your blog via Mod Podge Rocks and became an instant follower - I need to make this fudge - for the kids - right?!...mmmmmmm looks sooooo good!!!
