I was so lucky to be featured on Amy's blog last week. She is so creative and I just LOVE her jewelry! She recently shared a tutorial on my blog on how to make a Ruffle Headband... so cute!
Today I want to share with you the tutorial I posted on her website. Here is how to make one of my favorite flowers. I love to put these in my little, red-headed girl's hair. I'm also going to show you how to make a flower-bunched headband for you! {These flowers aren't just to go on heads, though. You could stick them on anything, really.}
Wanna make your own? Here's how:
The most important thing about making these flowers is getting the right fabric. It needs to be a polyester fabric, so it will melt and not burn. Mine is called "silk essence" from Joann. An 1/8 yard could probably make 5 or so flowers, depending on how big you want them.
So take your fabric and start cutting out circles. I used about 5 or 6 circles per flower, so cut some big and then keep going smaller and smaller.
Your circles don't have to be perfect.
Start melting the edges. {It's hard to get a good picture when you're playing with fire and trying to get a good shot.}
Be careful not to burn your fabric. The more you melt, the more it's going to curl up, so just practice until you get the hang of it.
Then hot glue the layers together.
This is your flowers will look like when they are done. I made 3 {one big and two small} for my headband.
Then you can stick a jewel or a button or whatever you want in the center. I did jewels and buttons for my little girl, but chose to leave mine plain.
If you're doing a hair clip, just hot gule a lined alligator clip on and you can clip it to a headband for the little ones.
If you want to do the headband, glue your flowers down to a peice of felt. Make sure they are bunched how you want them to be on the headband.
I only had pink felt {My trip to Joann with the kids this morning was like torture, so I forgot my brown felt.} So I glued it onto brown fabric first {just in case any showed through}, then felt {to stabilize}.
Make sure you trim off any excess.
Then glue to your headband. I wanted mine on the side, with the big flower closest to the top. But you can arrange yours however.
Then glue another piece of felt on the back.
And wallah!
UPDATE: After I posted this tutorial and tried to wear the headband again, I decided I wanted to wear it as a clip instead. So, I removed the headband part and added an alligator clip. I LOVE IT!!!! It looks great pinned on the side of my bun.
Nat, WHERE did you get your alligator clips?!!! I have looked EVERYWHERE and have come up completly empty. Help a girl out will ya?! Lol. Pretty please?!!!!