
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Everything I Know, I Learned From my Mother

Today I was sewing (updating my car's garbage bag), when my little girl needed some extra attention. I plopped her up on my lap while I finished my project. The scene seemed oh so familiar to me! I can remember countless times sitting on my own mother's lap or at her feet while she sewed. She is an expert seamstress and I know that it wasn't easy to get projects done with 7 children demanding her attention. But, I am so grateful that she didn't push me away when her little girl needed some extra attention. Instead, she loved me and taught me, and I am truly grateful for the example she has been to me. I hope I remember not to push away those little hands when they want to help.

Soon, I promise, I will be back to crafting!


1 comment:

  1. That's so sweet! I do the same very often, and it's so important to remember priorities and that the work will get done eventually. Sweet picture!
